Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March reflection

 This term we made another reflection and it took awhile to get the the photo onto the was tricky to think about the digital learning object shows i can reflect.first we had to rate the book called the wild robot escapes then we write about our mathes and then we did a golden line witch is the best line in writing.and then upcoming events.Next we did it wasn't luck and last we did the photo.

Friday, March 19, 2021

My illusion

This week we were learning to make connections between what we learn. I enjoy make the illusion where the sea animals look like they are floating but really it's just tricking our eyes to thinking that it is real. This illusion is caused by something called a temperature inversion and this happens when warm air is sitting on top of cold air and sometimes its the other way around.It will make anything above the water look like its floating. I found it challenging to come up with a illusion and this I had to make it on my own. My digital learning object shows I can make my own illusion on google slides. Next time I will change what illusion I have. What is your favourite illusion? Tell me in the comments.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Term 1 goals

Today we setting goals for the this term.By filling up all the boxes we had to choose out of five leader. all,the leader where kiwa, paoa, hineakua,kahutuanui and hinehakirirangi. I was like the leader kiwa.I enjoyed making and filling the boxes in.I found it challenging to write the sentences in the boxes.My digital learning object shows I can set goals for my self.Next time I will change who I am from the 5 learders.                                                                                                                            

My favourite sports

 Today I made a slides about my favourite we learnt how to use mote witch is a voice recorder for slides.I enjoyed making my slide about my favourite sport.I found it challenging to make the mote but i did it in the digital learning object show I can use mote on slides.Next time i will change how I recorded my mote. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

My favourite blanket

 This week I was learning to use nouns,juicy verbs and adjective.I enjoyed writing the story about my koala blanket I had when I was a little kid.I found it challenging to put it on the blog because it wouldn't work.My digital learning object shows I can use nouns,verbs and adjectives.Next time I will change how long my story is.

Monday, March 8, 2021

My plastic facts

This week I was learning to make connections between what we read. I enjoyed finding out about the plastic but it was sad how all those sea animals died to it. I found it hard to make the gif but I finished it. Next time I will change how much facts I have. My digital learning object shows that I can make a gif on tall tweets. 

Friday, March 5, 2021

My favourite toy


This is my writing I made on canva this week.I enjoyed make the story on  was hard to remember all this stuff but I remembered.My learning intention was to use imagery.This is a story is about my stuffed toy that I had When I was little kid.  

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Crime scene

 This is my crime scene that we worked on for 2 weeks and this is my one. This week I was learning how to figure out a crime scene. I enjoyed figuring out who is was. I found it challenging to find the information. My learning object was to make connections between what we read. next time I will change to work faster.    

My room 1's takeaway graph

This is my graph that I made For about a week and I chose Pizza hut, Burger king, dominoes , KFC and McDs.It was hard to make the graph and I finished it in time for blogging. It was easy to get the data. We where learning to gather, sort and display.