Thursday, November 18, 2021

Spy fox

 This week we had to write a story about spy fox and how he save the world from dr Hammer and his army of sardines.First we watched the video and then we started writing the story with our own beginning or we could start our story with the starting that came with the sheet.After I used some of the beginning I wrote the rest of the story and then I had to peer asses with my friend braden.It was hard to write the story.It was easy to put good words like clenched.

Here is the story.

All is peaceful on the southern ocean as the penguins relax on their icebergs.That is until Dr Hammer and his evil sardines decide to test their weapon of mass destruction.Once the weapon is unleaded their is only one person to save the world and that was fox, spy fox.He embarks on a mission to save the world bat  ends up fighting for the life on a lovely lily.Lily was trapped in a bid metal claw clenching around her wast.With his flintknock he tries to save lily but dr Hammers little minions jumped on him but he gets back up and grab his flintknock and shoots the big metal chomping shark in the eyes and saved lily.He ran to the big red buttons and pressed the big big red button but it changed the target to the laboratory and spy fox and lily ran outside and saved the world from disarter and dr Hammer was finnally defeated and after lily and spy fox went on a date.

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