Friday, May 28, 2021

May reflection

 Today we were doing our may reflection and we had to put down what book we were reading in a our whole class or at home and we put down what maths we good at a what we were learning. Then I put down something about coding bee bots and micro bits.After I put some trivia questions along with the points that we got this term.I enjoyed making the reflection but it was challenging to do the trivia questions.My digital learning shows I can reflet.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


Today we used a microbit to code a bee bot to draw a picture on the ground.Today we only got the pictures on the microbit and the pictures were the cross on a hill and a heart and they meant we love jesus.First we had to make the picture on and then we had to get the microbit and get the picture on it.It took a while but we got it on there by putting the batteries in the black box and downloading on to the microbit and then we got it flashing on the microbit.I enjoyed making the code but it was challenging to get the pictures onto the microbit.My digital learning object shows I can make a picture and put it and put it in a microbit.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

The ascension of jesus

 This week for religious education we made a google drawing of jesus ascension.first we got a picture of Jesus rising on a cloud and then a we put what Jesus said to his disciples.I enjoyed make it but what I found challenging was finding out what Jesus said to his disciples.My digital learning object show I can make a picture of Jesus rising.

new car

 This week for reading we made a car that we could invent when we were older.We draw a final one on a paper witch is a lambo with apple wheels and I did it with my friend cameron.I enjoyed make it and putting different car together.I found it challenging to draw the car because I mucked up alot.My digital learning object shows i can draw a car from the future.   

past and present

 This week we learnt how to use pictures that are reusable.We made a slides with olden day stuff and then we got pictures from the present and put the picture next to it.I enjoyed make the slides and put the pictures in.I found it challenging to find most ot the pictures.My digital learning object shows I can make a slides with pictures from the past and the present .

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

museum of technology

 This week we went to the museum of technology and did a scavenger hunt to find and write down what it did and were it is.I think the jail was really scary because it was dark and there was a chair at the end hall.When we were finished we had are lunch and we went to the building were the consoles and computer were.I enjoyed running around in the rain and finding all the stuff because I got wet and my favourite thing was the giant olden day chain saw.I found it challenging to find the water pumps and the wheel the spins around and make electricity because it was around a corner that we ran past like billion times.My digital learning object shows that I can find and say what it does.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The luge

 This week we wrote a hook to hook the reader in and make the reader want to read the story. I enjoyed making the hook because it was fun and I like writing. I found it challenging to come up with a plan for my story.My digital learning object shows I can write a hook to hook the reader in.

Coding bee bots

 This week we coded bee bots to get from one point to code was 3 up, 90. turn. 7 to the left.I enjoyed making a plan to code it. I found it challenging to do the code because I missed it a lot of times. The next day we did it again and I finally got it. My digital learning object shows I can code a bee bot.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Sign Language

 This week we learning to analyse and synthesise which means you learn something and choose the parts you need  to make something. We made a video on screencastify about how to do Sign Language. I enjoyed learning how to do my name in Sign Language and making the video. I found it challenging to make the video because I had to keep making new ones because I kept getting my name wrong. The thing that really touched  my heart was when I watched a video on how to do sign language. She said "Hi guys, great job and well done."Here's the link finger spelling

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Anzac day

 This week we were learning about anzac day,I drew the anzac memorial in gisborne and write down what they had to eat in the world war 1. I enjoyed finding out what food they ate at war.I found it challenging to draw the picture because we didn't have lots of time.My digital learning object shows that I can find out about anzac day.Next time I will change what the picture look like.tell me in the comments what is your favourite anzac food is.