Thursday, September 30, 2021

September reflection

 Today we had to do our september reflection and we had to rate a book we were reading through out the month called mega monster.After that we had to write down how we would get fresh food and water in a zombie apocalypse were the leader infected the water.Then we had to speeches we did in front of the class and about the readers theatre play were are doing and lastly we had to write down what we were proud of this month and a month selfe.

Friday, September 24, 2021

My alien

 This week we had to make an alien or alien poster and I chose and alien.First we had to read two stories and then make the alien or alien poster.I put my alien on mars and put lots of ufos around him.I used lots of shapes to make him and I used lots of eyes and big teeth.I found it hard to make the alien because there weren't lots of shapes, teeth and eyes.It was easy to get the ufos and the mars background.I named him Mr bob because I couldn't think of a name.

Here is my alien.

My speech

 This week we had to make a speech to say in front of the whole class.First we had to make the brainstorm for the speech on what topic it was on.Secondly we had to show our teacher to see if we can print it and then cut it out and put it on cardboard.Then we had to practice it over the weekend and then on monday we had to say our speech in front of the class and if we got a high score we would go into the semi finals and say it in front of all the seniors.

Here is my speech.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Cyber smart

 This week for cyber smart we had to make it easy for people to say places in maori.First we had to figure out what the veggie was a potato.Then we had to make our own mote on how to say a certain place that has a maori name and I chose rotorua.So I said row then toe and at the end I put rooa. Then we had to say the long word in maori.It was hard to say the longest word in maori.It was easy to do the rest of the slides.

Maori maths

 This week for maths we did a scavenger hunt and we had to find different shapes on nature but it was raining so we had to find different shapes in our classroom.We had to buddie up and look for the shapes.First we made the slides and then we took pictures and put them on the the slides.Then we put the name of the shapes in maori.It was hard to find half of the shapes but the rest of the shapes were easy.It was easy to write down the shape names in maori.We also had to do a Te Reo quiz and I got 7/7 on my second try.

Here is the link

My reading

This week for reading we had to read three books and then watch a video and then some one from my group had to share it with our whole group and then we had to write down what was from the story no girls allowed.We had to write down what each character said in the story and for what reason.Next we had to do social justice week doc.The social justice week doc we had to write down that we agree with the statement and that we disagree with the statement about new zealanders let people into our country.The last thing we had to do was a beatitude poster about the beatitudes and we had to put pictures that made it look like the animals where doing the beatitude.Me and my friend did it together but we didn't finish because we were talking to much.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Mr wolf is innocent

 Today I had to write a story on why the big bad wolf is not guilty.First I did the firstly the I did secondly and last I did was hard to think of why he was not  guilty.It was easy to write.My digital learning object shows I can write a story about why the big bad wolf is not guilty.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Is the big bad wolf guilty

 Today we were learning about how to plan perswayfis writing.So first we had to read a boom and then we had to watch two videos.After we started on the writing on a slides about if the big bad wolf was guilty or innocent.It was hard to think of reasons that the wolf was innocent.It was easy to write down why we was guilty.My digital learning object shows I can make a perswayfis writing.Next time I will change why the wolf is guilty.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Today I had to do yoga.So I had to do a pose from the video and then take a picture and put it on our blog.First I watched the video and then I picked a pose and then I took a picture.It was hard to find a pose because there were so many.It was easy to do the pose and take a picture.My digital learning object shows I can do yoga.Next time I will choose a different pose


Monday, September 6, 2021

Kylahs escape room

 Today I had to do kylahs escape room and take screenshots of some animals.I took screenshots of the snakes and wolfs. It was hard to think of most of the questions.It was easy to finish it because some of the questions were really easy.My digital learning object shows I can escape a escape room.Next time I will take more screenshots

Here are some screenshots. 

Dogs are better than cats

 Today I had to do a task were we had to say which was better dogs or cats.I chose dogs and the resen is down below.First I put why you shouldn't have a cat and then why you should have a dog.It was hard to think of why you shouldn't have a cat.It was east to say why you should have a dog.My digital learning object shows I can say why dogs are better than cats.Next time I will do cats.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Fathers day

 Today I made a father's day card and I put a cake and balloons.First I put the happy fathers day and then my name which meant it was from me.It was hard to think of what to write.It was easy to make the block letters and colour them in.My digital learning object shows I can make a father's day card. Next time I will put more colours.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Bouncing egg

 Today we had to make a bouncing egg at home.First I put the egg in a jar and then filled it with vinegar.It was hard to put the egg in the jar.It was easy to fill the jar will vinegar.My digital learning object shows I can make a bouncing egg.Experiment in progress     

Maths timetables

 Today we had to make a multiplication table chart.First I put all the multiplications I knew and then I started with the nine times tables up to the one time tables.It was hard to do the 9 and 8 time tables.It was easy to do the 10, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 time tables.My digital learning object shows I can make a multiplication chart.Next time I will try to change the colours.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Stop motion

 Today we had to do a stop motion so me and my friend made a stop motion.If your wondering how me and my friend did the stop motion together its because were at bubble school.First we got the lego then we put it together and we were done.Then we started to do the stop motion and then we finished. It was hard to find out how to make the stop motion.It was east to do it once we figured it out.My digital learning object shows I can make a stop motion.Next time I will make the stop motion longer.

Here is my brainstorm

Here is my stop motion