Thursday, September 2, 2021

Maths timetables

 Today we had to make a multiplication table chart.First I put all the multiplications I knew and then I started with the nine times tables up to the one time tables.It was hard to do the 9 and 8 time tables.It was easy to do the 10, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 time tables.My digital learning object shows I can make a multiplication chart.Next time I will try to change the colours.


  1. Kia Ora Michael
    How is bubble school going? I really like your maths times table. What a great way to teach others to easily learn their times tables.
    Have a wonderful day Michael and keep up the great learning.
    Ma te wa
    Mrs Tamatea

  2. This is a good chart Michael, if I were learning times tables I would find it extremely useful!

  3. Dia dhuit Michael,
    Your chart is very colourful. Does it help you learn your times tables by using the commutative property? That means 9x3=3x9. So really, once you know the basic times tables there aren't many others you need to learn.
    Remember for the 8x, we double our 4x, and for 9x we just take one lot off the 10x. I think you have blogged this learning before.
    Keep practising your times tables - you are so close to knowing them all. How did you go in the Kahoot?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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