Thursday, November 18, 2021

Spy fox

 This week we had to write a story about spy fox and how he save the world from dr Hammer and his army of sardines.First we watched the video and then we started writing the story with our own beginning or we could start our story with the starting that came with the sheet.After I used some of the beginning I wrote the rest of the story and then I had to peer asses with my friend braden.It was hard to write the story.It was easy to put good words like clenched.

Here is the story.

All is peaceful on the southern ocean as the penguins relax on their icebergs.That is until Dr Hammer and his evil sardines decide to test their weapon of mass destruction.Once the weapon is unleaded their is only one person to save the world and that was fox, spy fox.He embarks on a mission to save the world bat  ends up fighting for the life on a lovely lily.Lily was trapped in a bid metal claw clenching around her wast.With his flintknock he tries to save lily but dr Hammers little minions jumped on him but he gets back up and grab his flintknock and shoots the big metal chomping shark in the eyes and saved lily.He ran to the big red buttons and pressed the big big red button but it changed the target to the laboratory and spy fox and lily ran outside and saved the world from disarter and dr Hammer was finnally defeated and after lily and spy fox went on a date.

Friday, November 5, 2021


 For cybersmart we had to make a sunsmart gif on canva.First I put the logo on the front and put a circle around the logo that was animated to move.Then I copied it and changed it to wear a hat the other sunsmart things you need to do.Then I put backgrounds and then put the images for the name.It was hard to get the images.It was easy to make the canva a gif and make the titles.

Here is my gif

My narrative

 This week we were learning to use narratives.We had to write a story bast on a little film called Rocketeer.My story was called gold man and the story was about a robbery and the police were chasing the robbers but there was a kid in the way and then the gold man saved him and captured the robber.It was hard to think of a name for the Rocketeer story.It was easy to write the rest of the story.

Here is the story

It was a day like any other.The cloudless blue sky hovered above as the sun shone down.Dust flicked over the dry dirt while jimmy sped up and down the road spinning his wooden toy aeroplane in the air.He pushed his square glasses back up his nose and he looked up at the spitfire roaring overhead.Suddenly he saw red and blue light flickering in the sky.It was then he realized a robbery had happened at the bank and the police were chasing the robbers.Suddenly the robbers car smashed through a brick wall and was heading right towards jimmy.Jimmy's mother screamed loudly.As the car was getting closer a tall gold figger flew by and swoops down and saved jimmy at the last second.The figger put jimmy down and flew to fight the robber.The robber stopped at a farm and ran inside.He punched the robber in the jaw but the robber clicked it back into place and punched gold man ito the chicken coop.He got back up and flew into the air and smashed through the window and knocked the robber out and the police took him to jail.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 This week we were learning about parihaka and had to read two storys and if we had to headphones watch the two videos.First we used the four words in the speech and put it into the feather because we had to put words in the feather that we think relate to peace so we put more words that we thought related to peace.Me and my friends were on it and my friends helped put some of the words and I will put the blogs below.It was hard to come up with the words that relate to peace.It was easy to read the stories about parihaka.

Here and my friends blogs

Bradens blog

Jakes blog

Here is the feather.

All saints day

 Yesterday was all saints day so we made a all saints day poster that say stuff that saints said like the whole world is waiting for saint you.First I wrote down the  all saints day words and then put them in speech bubbles and inserted a person and then changed the background and the background of the text boxes.It was hard to make the background and the text boxes.It was easy to write the words in the text boxes and insert the people.