Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August reflection

 Today we did our August reflection and it was changed because were in lockdown there is lockdown fun on it.First I did the maths, writing, reading, lockdown fun, one of my blogs this month and a selfie. It was hard to do the lockdown fun because i'm not having lots of fun.It was easy to think of my writing because the writing I did was really fun.My digital learning object shows I can do a reflection.Next time I will think of more fun stuff.


  1. Kia Ora Michael
    I love these monthly reflections that your class does! I really like that your favorite part of writing this month was your David Walliams report. Thank you for sharing your August reflection to your blog.
    Ma te wa
    Mrs Tamatea

  2. Dia dhuit Michael,
    Reflecting on our learning is always great as we have a real sense of achievement, and can be proud of everything we have done.
    I loved how you have linked your rongoā sign but links don't work when we screenshot. Maybe you could put the link in your reflection and update your blog.
    I love baking. What things have you been baking with your Mum? What is the most delicious thing you have baked? Maybe you could share the recipe on your blog so other people can make it.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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