Monday, August 30, 2021

Well being

 Today we had to roll a dice at least three times and pick one of the numbers and then we had to do all the tasks on the row.I rolled the dice three times and I picked the number 3.I did the first task on three witch was to write down 3 thing that I could teach someone to do that I am good at.Second I had to learn how to say three word in one language and I chose Germany.The words were nine wich meant no, Guten tag which means hello and Dunke which means thank you.And the third was to help a sibling or my mum and dad.I helped my brother with his work twice and the third I helped my mum and dad with the vacuum.  It was hard to think of something that I can teach someone.It was east to do it for my brother because he always asks me to help him with something on the PS4. 


  1. Kia Ora Michael
    You're a star. What stood out to me in your blog today are the words help and helping. During these times these words are so important and you I love that you help your little brother with his learning and that you are helping mum and dad with chores. You should feel really good about yourself and your learning Michael.
    Ma te wa
    Mrs Tamatea

  2. Thanks for always being a big help Michael, we appreciate you!

  3. Dia dhuit Michael,
    I am sure your whānau would have appreciated your help. Our house always needs vacuuming as my cat's fur is coming out in clumps because he is unwell. Lots of times I need help with techie stuff - I am lucky I can email Mrs Torrie or Keenan to help me. I think everyone need someone like you in their bubble.
    I wonder if your dad will like using Scratch. Have you tried the new COVID-19 game on Gamefroot? Maybe your dad would like it too?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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