Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 This week for writing we had to write about composting and how it works.First I had to watch a video and then read two books.After I did my brainstorm then my story.I found it hard to find the info.It was easy to write and remember most of the info.My digital learning object shows I can do a report writing.

Did you know that composting is environmentally friendly

Compost is leftover greens and browns. Browns are dead leaves, sawdust and straw.The greens are veg and fruit like a banana and broccoli.

You get a big or small bin and then you make holes in it and then you put the greens and browns into layers.Then you will start to get small bugs that start to eat the compost.

The benefits for composting is that your garden will smell good and you will have healthy and well grown plants.It also helps our planet be healthy.

Did you know that if you are composting right your garden will smell nice.


  1. Hola Michael,
    Your report on composting is very informative. Yes I did know that if you are composting right it smells healthy. That's how I know I am doing it wrong because sometimes mine stinks - I think I need to add more browns.
    I went to a composting workshop and they spoke about the green and brown layers and to add cardboard for a brown layer. Did you know that some brown cardboard has plastic in the middle so you have to make sure you rip it out before you add it to your compost?
    Do you have a compost bin at your house?
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

    1. Hola Mrs Naden,
      No I didn't know that some cardboard has plastic in the middle and I will make sure if I put cardboard in the compost I will check if the is plastic in the middle.
      Yes I do have a compost bin at my house and I actually have two compost bin.
      Mā te wā,

  2. Hello Michael, your blog about composting is very interesting. Did you know that you can make a different kind of compost using cooked food waste and other things that you cannot put in the traditional composted. It’s called Bokashi - have a read if you have a moment.


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