Thursday, November 18, 2021

Spy fox

 This week we had to write a story about spy fox and how he save the world from dr Hammer and his army of sardines.First we watched the video and then we started writing the story with our own beginning or we could start our story with the starting that came with the sheet.After I used some of the beginning I wrote the rest of the story and then I had to peer asses with my friend braden.It was hard to write the story.It was easy to put good words like clenched.

Here is the story.

All is peaceful on the southern ocean as the penguins relax on their icebergs.That is until Dr Hammer and his evil sardines decide to test their weapon of mass destruction.Once the weapon is unleaded their is only one person to save the world and that was fox, spy fox.He embarks on a mission to save the world bat  ends up fighting for the life on a lovely lily.Lily was trapped in a bid metal claw clenching around her wast.With his flintknock he tries to save lily but dr Hammers little minions jumped on him but he gets back up and grab his flintknock and shoots the big metal chomping shark in the eyes and saved lily.He ran to the big red buttons and pressed the big big red button but it changed the target to the laboratory and spy fox and lily ran outside and saved the world from disarter and dr Hammer was finnally defeated and after lily and spy fox went on a date.

Friday, November 5, 2021


 For cybersmart we had to make a sunsmart gif on canva.First I put the logo on the front and put a circle around the logo that was animated to move.Then I copied it and changed it to wear a hat the other sunsmart things you need to do.Then I put backgrounds and then put the images for the name.It was hard to get the images.It was easy to make the canva a gif and make the titles.

Here is my gif

My narrative

 This week we were learning to use narratives.We had to write a story bast on a little film called Rocketeer.My story was called gold man and the story was about a robbery and the police were chasing the robbers but there was a kid in the way and then the gold man saved him and captured the robber.It was hard to think of a name for the Rocketeer story.It was easy to write the rest of the story.

Here is the story

It was a day like any other.The cloudless blue sky hovered above as the sun shone down.Dust flicked over the dry dirt while jimmy sped up and down the road spinning his wooden toy aeroplane in the air.He pushed his square glasses back up his nose and he looked up at the spitfire roaring overhead.Suddenly he saw red and blue light flickering in the sky.It was then he realized a robbery had happened at the bank and the police were chasing the robbers.Suddenly the robbers car smashed through a brick wall and was heading right towards jimmy.Jimmy's mother screamed loudly.As the car was getting closer a tall gold figger flew by and swoops down and saved jimmy at the last second.The figger put jimmy down and flew to fight the robber.The robber stopped at a farm and ran inside.He punched the robber in the jaw but the robber clicked it back into place and punched gold man ito the chicken coop.He got back up and flew into the air and smashed through the window and knocked the robber out and the police took him to jail.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


 This week we were learning about parihaka and had to read two storys and if we had to headphones watch the two videos.First we used the four words in the speech and put it into the feather because we had to put words in the feather that we think relate to peace so we put more words that we thought related to peace.Me and my friends were on it and my friends helped put some of the words and I will put the blogs below.It was hard to come up with the words that relate to peace.It was easy to read the stories about parihaka.

Here and my friends blogs

Bradens blog

Jakes blog

Here is the feather.

All saints day

 Yesterday was all saints day so we made a all saints day poster that say stuff that saints said like the whole world is waiting for saint you.First I wrote down the  all saints day words and then put them in speech bubbles and inserted a person and then changed the background and the background of the text boxes.It was hard to make the background and the text boxes.It was easy to write the words in the text boxes and insert the people. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

Rat island part 4

For part four we had to make slides with some questions about the book like what is the ships name or what did he have in his shoe.Fir we made the question and then we put pictures and linked then to a slide.It was hard to come up with question.It was easy to make the slides were it said try again or correct. 

October Reflection

Today we were working on our October reflection.We had to put in what we were reading about the night bus hero then we had to write about our writing and what we were learning about.Next we wrote about frida kahlo art, athletics, our monthly points and our monthly photo.It was hard to write about my writing.It was easy to write about my athletics because I love athletics. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

Frida Kahlo art

 For art we made Frida Kahlo art.First we had to draw a face neck and all that other stuff.We also had to put the earrings and a necklace.Then we had to draw the hair eyebrows.Then we painted the rest and we painted the background.then we made the flowers on the head with tissue paper.Here are some fun facts about her.She is a mexican painter,She has a unibrow and she puts mustaches on girls.It was hard to do the painting.It was easy to draw and find out facts about her.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Rat island part 3

 today we had to do part 3 of rat island and it was to make a quiz on the rat island book.We had to put it on a web site named google forms.First I put the questions on some of the book and then I put the points for how much you would get for every questions.It was hard to come up with a question.It was easy to put all the answers and points.

Here is the link.

Rat Island part 2

 Today we had to make a scene where we had to make a scene or problem from the book.First I put the deck then the pirate ship and last I put some pirates and put some speech bubbles and then In was done.It was hard to make the characters.It was easy to make the dock and the ship. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Rat Island part 1

 this week for reading we are reading a book about rat island.first we had to look at the front and the back of the book and then read the back and say what we think about the book.Then we had to read  chapter and do a task on if the blurb cover and title.It was hard to think of a reason on why I might wont to read the book.It was easy to read the chapter.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Zombie apocalypse

 This week we were in a zombie apocalypse and on slides we had to write on a slides what we would do to survive and our teacher wrote a big big story about a zombie apocalypse .First I get to school and I see are class all messed up and I thunk it was a crime scene but then our teach say we were in a zombie apocalypse and then we did day one then day 2 then day 3 then day 4 and then we did day 5 6 7 8 9.It was hard to think of ways to survive because i'm not in a real zombie apocalypse.It was easy to think of ways to get water, food and shelter.

Here is the slides.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

September reflection

 Today we had to do our september reflection and we had to rate a book we were reading through out the month called mega monster.After that we had to write down how we would get fresh food and water in a zombie apocalypse were the leader infected the water.Then we had to speeches we did in front of the class and about the readers theatre play were are doing and lastly we had to write down what we were proud of this month and a month selfe.

Friday, September 24, 2021

My alien

 This week we had to make an alien or alien poster and I chose and alien.First we had to read two stories and then make the alien or alien poster.I put my alien on mars and put lots of ufos around him.I used lots of shapes to make him and I used lots of eyes and big teeth.I found it hard to make the alien because there weren't lots of shapes, teeth and eyes.It was easy to get the ufos and the mars background.I named him Mr bob because I couldn't think of a name.

Here is my alien.

My speech

 This week we had to make a speech to say in front of the whole class.First we had to make the brainstorm for the speech on what topic it was on.Secondly we had to show our teacher to see if we can print it and then cut it out and put it on cardboard.Then we had to practice it over the weekend and then on monday we had to say our speech in front of the class and if we got a high score we would go into the semi finals and say it in front of all the seniors.

Here is my speech.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Cyber smart

 This week for cyber smart we had to make it easy for people to say places in maori.First we had to figure out what the veggie was a potato.Then we had to make our own mote on how to say a certain place that has a maori name and I chose rotorua.So I said row then toe and at the end I put rooa. Then we had to say the long word in maori.It was hard to say the longest word in maori.It was easy to do the rest of the slides.

Maori maths

 This week for maths we did a scavenger hunt and we had to find different shapes on nature but it was raining so we had to find different shapes in our classroom.We had to buddie up and look for the shapes.First we made the slides and then we took pictures and put them on the the slides.Then we put the name of the shapes in maori.It was hard to find half of the shapes but the rest of the shapes were easy.It was easy to write down the shape names in maori.We also had to do a Te Reo quiz and I got 7/7 on my second try.

Here is the link

My reading

This week for reading we had to read three books and then watch a video and then some one from my group had to share it with our whole group and then we had to write down what was from the story no girls allowed.We had to write down what each character said in the story and for what reason.Next we had to do social justice week doc.The social justice week doc we had to write down that we agree with the statement and that we disagree with the statement about new zealanders let people into our country.The last thing we had to do was a beatitude poster about the beatitudes and we had to put pictures that made it look like the animals where doing the beatitude.Me and my friend did it together but we didn't finish because we were talking to much.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Mr wolf is innocent

 Today I had to write a story on why the big bad wolf is not guilty.First I did the firstly the I did secondly and last I did was hard to think of why he was not  guilty.It was easy to write.My digital learning object shows I can write a story about why the big bad wolf is not guilty.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Is the big bad wolf guilty

 Today we were learning about how to plan perswayfis writing.So first we had to read a boom and then we had to watch two videos.After we started on the writing on a slides about if the big bad wolf was guilty or innocent.It was hard to think of reasons that the wolf was innocent.It was easy to write down why we was guilty.My digital learning object shows I can make a perswayfis writing.Next time I will change why the wolf is guilty.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Today I had to do yoga.So I had to do a pose from the video and then take a picture and put it on our blog.First I watched the video and then I picked a pose and then I took a picture.It was hard to find a pose because there were so many.It was easy to do the pose and take a picture.My digital learning object shows I can do yoga.Next time I will choose a different pose


Monday, September 6, 2021

Kylahs escape room

 Today I had to do kylahs escape room and take screenshots of some animals.I took screenshots of the snakes and wolfs. It was hard to think of most of the questions.It was easy to finish it because some of the questions were really easy.My digital learning object shows I can escape a escape room.Next time I will take more screenshots

Here are some screenshots. 

Dogs are better than cats

 Today I had to do a task were we had to say which was better dogs or cats.I chose dogs and the resen is down below.First I put why you shouldn't have a cat and then why you should have a dog.It was hard to think of why you shouldn't have a cat.It was east to say why you should have a dog.My digital learning object shows I can say why dogs are better than cats.Next time I will do cats.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Fathers day

 Today I made a father's day card and I put a cake and balloons.First I put the happy fathers day and then my name which meant it was from me.It was hard to think of what to write.It was easy to make the block letters and colour them in.My digital learning object shows I can make a father's day card. Next time I will put more colours.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Bouncing egg

 Today we had to make a bouncing egg at home.First I put the egg in a jar and then filled it with vinegar.It was hard to put the egg in the jar.It was easy to fill the jar will vinegar.My digital learning object shows I can make a bouncing egg.Experiment in progress     

Maths timetables

 Today we had to make a multiplication table chart.First I put all the multiplications I knew and then I started with the nine times tables up to the one time tables.It was hard to do the 9 and 8 time tables.It was easy to do the 10, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 time tables.My digital learning object shows I can make a multiplication chart.Next time I will try to change the colours.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Stop motion

 Today we had to do a stop motion so me and my friend made a stop motion.If your wondering how me and my friend did the stop motion together its because were at bubble school.First we got the lego then we put it together and we were done.Then we started to do the stop motion and then we finished. It was hard to find out how to make the stop motion.It was east to do it once we figured it out.My digital learning object shows I can make a stop motion.Next time I will make the stop motion longer.

Here is my brainstorm

Here is my stop motion

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

August reflection

 Today we did our August reflection and it was changed because were in lockdown there is lockdown fun on it.First I did the maths, writing, reading, lockdown fun, one of my blogs this month and a selfie. It was hard to do the lockdown fun because i'm not having lots of fun.It was easy to think of my writing because the writing I did was really fun.My digital learning object shows I can do a reflection.Next time I will think of more fun stuff.


Today we had to write facts about the paralympics on a google doc. I used a doc that my teacher made for us if we couldn't make our own doc.It was hard for me to make a my own google doc so I used my teachers one.It was easy to find the facts and put them onto the docs. My digital learning object shows I can make a copy of a docs.Next time I will try to add more facs. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Well being

 Today we had to roll a dice at least three times and pick one of the numbers and then we had to do all the tasks on the row.I rolled the dice three times and I picked the number 3.I did the first task on three witch was to write down 3 thing that I could teach someone to do that I am good at.Second I had to learn how to say three word in one language and I chose Germany.The words were nine wich meant no, Guten tag which means hello and Dunke which means thank you.And the third was to help a sibling or my mum and dad.I helped my brother with his work twice and the third I helped my mum and dad with the vacuum.  It was hard to think of something that I can teach someone.It was east to do it for my brother because he always asks me to help him with something on the PS4. 

Maths escape room

Today for maths we had to complete a escape the room task and I finished it.My answers will at the bottom of my blog. When we finished a question we had to write a letter that was closed to the number answer. I found it hard to figure out the questions because they were really hard.It was easy and fun to figure out the questions even though it was hard.

Thursday, August 26, 2021


 Today I made a 3D shape out of paper and I made a cube because it was hard to make the other shapes.First I made the out lines then I cut it out and then I put it together.I chose the colour orange because that was the colour I wanted to use and it look cool.After I took a picture of it and then I put it on a slides. It was hard to put the shape together because it kept coming apart.It was easy to make the outlines and to cut it out. Its name is a cube because all the side are squares. 


 Today I was doing writing and It was about life in a bubble.I did a little bit because it's hard to think of stuff.We had to say something about lockdown in the alphabet.It was hard to think of words.It was easy to think of stuff like b for baking or g for gardening. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Fizz experiment

 Today I had to do a fizz experiment and see what happend.So first I got a funnel, ziplock bag, viniga, baking soda and a bottle.First I put 3 quarters of a cup of vinegar and put it in the bottle.Then I put the baking soda into the ziplock bag and then put it on the top of the bottle and making sure that I didn't get the baking soda in the bottle.Then I put tap around the ziplock bag so that it wouldn't fall of.After I took the picture of the before then I tipped the baking soda into the bottle and the ziplock bag filled up with air and then I took a pic and the after.




 This week for art I had to make art out of plants and sticks.So I took some sticks, leaves and long grass then I made a knight with a shield and a sword.I also put a helmet on his head and it look cool.i found it hard to find that stuff I wanted to use.It was easy to make the knight because it just popped in m head and I made it.


 This week for writing we had to write about composting and how it works.First I had to watch a video and then read two books.After I did my brainstorm then my story.I found it hard to find the info.It was easy to write and remember most of the info.My digital learning object shows I can do a report writing.

Did you know that composting is environmentally friendly

Compost is leftover greens and browns. Browns are dead leaves, sawdust and straw.The greens are veg and fruit like a banana and broccoli.

You get a big or small bin and then you make holes in it and then you put the greens and browns into layers.Then you will start to get small bugs that start to eat the compost.

The benefits for composting is that your garden will smell good and you will have healthy and well grown plants.It also helps our planet be healthy.

Did you know that if you are composting right your garden will smell nice.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 This week for reading I we were learning to present.For reading I made a magic jawbone that would give you anything you wanted.I put leaves around it so it look ancient.I also made the teeth with walls that look like teeth.It was hard to make the bone itself.It was easy to make all the decorations.At first I wanted to do it with lego but then I wanted to do it with minecraft

Here it is.


 This week for reading I had to make another shape made out of words.So we had to put words that show trust and faith.I found it tricky to find out what shows faith and trust.It was easy to put it on on the wordlist and pick a shape.I made the shape a trophy because god rewards people who have trust and faith.

Here is the picture.

Monday, August 23, 2021


 This week for fitness I had to take a picture of different shapes of clouds and chose one that look like a face and one looked like a swinging animal i n the sky.I found it hard to find the right clouds because most of them weren't shapes.It was easy to put and edit the pictures.

Here they are.


 This week for inquiry we had to find a bird, lizard, plant and water animal and picked a bird called a kiwi.So when we picked a thing we had to answer one question about it and the question.The question for the kiwi was what was the maori name for the kiwi and the answer was kiwi with no s.I found it easy to find out about the kiwi maori name.It was hard to find the kiwi in the picture because it blended in with the background.

Here was the before

 Here is the after

Thursday, August 19, 2021

My writing

 This week for writing we were learning about an author and I chose david walliams because that's the name of my writing group and I like david walliams.First we did his facts like when he was born and were, then we did what he was famous for, then his childhood after that we did adulthood and last we did more facts.I found it easy to find out what he was famous for and why. I found it tricky to find out his childhood because not much of his childhood was on the internet.

David walliams


Date of birth:20 August 1971

Name:David walliams

David walliams was famous for writing books and for having his own cartoon and movie show called mash and peas.He's also famous for going to the americas got talent.

david walliams wrote his first book when he was 12 years old and his book was called the boy in the dress and in the book there was lots of gross out jokes.When he was little his favourite sport was soccer.

David walliams was married to lara stone and his sister was julie walliams and his son was alfred walliams, His two latest book were mega monster and slim.he also write 32 more books and here's the link.

Here are some facts

1.David walliams went to collingwood boys school. 2. at age 24 david walliams write the ant and dec show. 3. david walliams wrote 54 books. 4. david walliams was a judge in the america got talent.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Mary ascends to heaven

 This week for religious education we were learning about Mary ascends to heaven. So we had to go on to room 11s slides and read about mary ascends to heaven and then we had to go on a thing that we put some of the words on it and then it would put the words ito and shape that you chose.I found it hard to pick a picture but I picked the wifi symbol because wifi is like faith.I found it hard to come up with word but I found some.

Here is the picture

My robot

This week for reading we were learning to infer.For reading I had to make our own robot and say what it could do to solve our problems like global warming and pollutiton.My robot tries to make people stop pollution. plants plants and gives you you fruit with cold water. I also made that it could turn into robot dog and that there is only 10 in every  city in the world.I found it easy to say what my robot does.  I found it hard to make the robot because i used shapes.My digital learning object shows I can infer/

Here's the slides.


Thursday, August 12, 2021

My writing

 This week for writing I wrote about Khris Middleton because we had to write about an athlete form around the world that went to the olympics.First i wanted to pick lebron james because he inspired me to play basketball but lebron james didn't go to the olympics.So I had to pick a different person and I pick Khris Middleton because he also plays basketball.I found it easy to pick a person and write about his live.It was hard to find out about his career because there wasn't lots of info on his profile.

Here is the writing.

Khris Middleton

Name:Khris Middleton 


Place of birth:America

Born:12 August 1991

Khris Middleton went to his first olympics in 2021 at tokyo.Khris Middleton was 29 year old when he went to his first olympics. Khris weighed 101 kgs and was 2.01m tall.

Khris went to texas A and M University.Khris has an older sister named Brittney and a cousin named Josh Powell.Khris Middleton played for the Milwaukee basketball team

Khris Middleton won his first gold medal for winning the men's tournament basketball in tokyo. Khris has 9 years experience of basketball.Khris Middleton startec playing basketball in 13 of July 2013.Khris has been in the NBA team for 29 years.

On January 31 2019 Khris Middleton was named an eastern conference All-star reserve thus earning his first All-Star selection.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 This week for reading we were learning to summarise. This week for reading we were learning about the healing power of rongoā which is different plants that could heal you.There were lots of options and I chose the kōwhai tree.First we had to choose if we wanted to  to do it on a paper or slides and I did slides and then we had to put what it did to heal you, how to make it and how you use it.I found it easy to make the slides and choose the plant. I found it hard to find out how you make the plant into the poultice which is a liquid that you use to heal you. My digital learning object shows I can summarise.

Here is the slides.

Thursday, August 5, 2021


 This week we were learning to skim and scam and we were learning about japan.So we had to do at least 4 to 6 slides of facts and info. First I put  the animals, then food, then were in the world, then ancient traditions and lats the sport they play.I found it easy to find all the info but it was hard to do the animal because there was lots of animal.

Here is the slides.    

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Help Paoa Fix the Waka - Gamefroot

 For cybersmart we made a game on Gamefroot based a story and did Help Paoa fix the waka.

First I put the first level were you have to find the timber to fix the waka and when you found the right timber you would go to level two and you had to find the fern or the timber. 

The last level you had to find the waka and fix it but you must not touch any animals. 

Then I added Music and put the slide that said Congrats you win. 

I found it easy to make all the levels but it was tricky to code most of the stuff because it would take you to a white screen and you could do nothing. My digital learning object shows I can code and embed my published game in my blog. 

help paoa by Michael / Full screen / Remix in Gamefroot

Friday, July 30, 2021

My writing

 This week for writing I wrote about a black panther.First we had to write notes down on our brainstorm and the we had to write our story with paragraph and a title with a wow fact at the end.the first paragraph was what family it belongs to,the second was what it look like,third was were they lived and last was what it ate and last was the wow fact.I found it easy to write the story but I found it hard to find the perfect fact and information.Here is my writing.

Black Panthers

The black panther belongs to the big cat family.

Black panthers have long sharp teeth and long claws to climb trees.Their body id coated with a black layer of hair and they have shiny green eyes.The also have pink paws and a long soft black tail.

Black panthers eat deer, Wild hogs and boars.Sometimes they eat small animals like rabbits, dogs, birds and fish.

Black panthers live in the southern part of Africa and Asia.Sometimes you can find them in giant wild parks.

Did you know that black panthers have a bite force of 100kgs?


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

My mascot

 Today we were making our own mascot because we are learning about olympic games. My mascot was a kiwi because we are kiwis  and kiwis are our native animal.First I put the head, then the beak, then the body. I put the five rings from the olympic symbol and the colours were blue, red, black, yellow, green. Then I put the legs and arms and I put two flags  that the kiwi was holding. After I put I love nz on the chest and hat.When I finished I named it sports kiwi

Monday, July 5, 2021

Gamefroot progress

 This week for gamefroot I didn't make lots of progress because when you collected one timber you go to the next level but I wanted the player have to collect multiple chunks of timber.The next time I blog my gamefroot I will probably have you be able to go to the next level. 

Play my game here

Thursday, July 1, 2021

compare and contrast

 This week we were learning about Matariki and Puanga so we compared and contrasted them.We put two circles in each other and we put the differences in the semi circle and in the middle we put the similarities.I found it easy to write and read most of the story and put some of the writing but I found it hard to write all the similarities and differences.  

Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 For cybersmart we went on to gamefroot and started our game.If we didn't know what to do we had to go onto our class site and look at the beginners guide.I found It easy to Make most of the stuff bur I found it challenging to code everything and there's a glitch were you load in and the the screen is just white but I will fix it and make a lot more changes in the is the link

June Reflection

For my June reflection we had to write about our reading, maths and what we enjoyed this term.We also had to put a photo and  our points we got.Next we had yo put a comment on our friends one and they had to comment on my one.I found it challenging to do my gamefroot and to write my maths reflection.It was easy to to write about our reading, what we enjoyed and our points.Next time I will write better stuff for my writing.Here is my reflection. 


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Financial literacy

 This week for maths we had a man come in and his name was Cullam from ASB and he showed us how to save our money for something.After we showed our idea to the hole class which is called a shark tank.We were also learning how to have our own business like a lemonade stand or making stuff for people.I want to save for a PS4 because I have one but I have to let my brother play sometimes.I found it easy to write the stuff the down but I found it challenging to come up with a business.He also showed us a thing called sss the fist s is for strength the second was solve and the last one was start.Another one is cash the c is clear the a is for action the s is for save and the h is for how long.I need to save $40 a week for 12 weeks to get a PS4.

Uploading: 571437 of 571437 bytes uploaded.


 This week for reading we were learning about Matariki in new zealand and in a different country  and I did the great bear.I found it easy to read the stories and to write the stories but I found it challenging to do the similarity and differences Some of our group didn't finish in time.

Student-led conference invitation

This week for writing we made invitations for our Mum and Dad so they could come to the student-led conference.A student-led conference is were the students shows their parents what they were working on.It has the times, place, how they can book in and why they are coming.It was easy to write the invitation but I found it challenging to put it together in a invitation.My digital learning object shows I can make a invitation for my Mum and Dad.Here is my invitation.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Our art challenge

 This week for art we were painting art that tom fedro made.we were learning to use long brush strokes, both sides of the paint brush, bright colours, bold lines and tints and shades to show the light direction.first we painted one side with dark purple and dipped it in some white and than we got a lighter colour.So we reppeted it on the other side only with the colour yellow and orange.then we did the shoulder with the colour blue and did the some as we did with the orange and purple.After we did the eye lashes and lips.Then we did the hair and we got orange and did some of the hair and then we dipped it in some red.Last we did the neck with some green, the eyes with blue and black and then the black lines.I found it easy to paint all the colours but I found it challenging to shade and to draw the lady and you can see that because she has a long neck.Half way through I accidentally painted someone's else because ours look the some.Here is my art

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Measurement tasks

 This week for maths we got tasks to measure how tall we were and we had to measure our foot,length and neck.We had to get into groups of two and my buddy was jake.We got up to step 5 and on step 5 was to measure our neck.I found it easy to measure everything and didn't find any challenging.My hight was 1.62,  my foot was 26.6cm ,my arm span was 1.5 ,my wrist was 5.7cm ,mt neck was 31 cm and my popliteal is 51 cm.My digital learning object shows I can measure my body.



 This week we were learning to infer and it means it had a clue but not an answer.This week for reading we read a story about a princes and a big monster name minotaur and the king was sacrificing people to the minotaur.and one day the princes decided to kill the minotaur and when he killed the minotaur he went outside and found a princess.He promised the princess he would take her to the kingdom and when he sat sail he left the princess behind and he said the the king would put a white flag up if was alive and a black flag ment he was died so came back to the kingdom and forgot to put the white flag up so the king jumped into the ocean and drowned.After we did the story we went on a doc and say we agreed and why we disagreed.We also had to make a wanted poster for a thief that we could make up. braden and I made a snake and called it snake eye and I know it a dumb name but we couldn't come up with a cool name.I enjoyed make the wanted poster but I found it challenging to agree and disagree on the doc. 

Why do giraffes have purple tongues

This week for writing we were learning to use a diagram in are writing so I chose a topic and I started to write and my topic.It ended up being why do giraffes have  purple tongues  and when were finished we had to peer assess with a buddy.I found it easy to come up with a topic and brainstorm it but I found it challenging to find a diagram. This is my story and diagram I used,       

Giraffes use their tongues to eat leaves all around thorns. The giraffe's tongue wraps around the branch and the leafs stick to the giraffe's tongue and the thorns don't hurt the giraffe's tongue.Their tongue works like a squishy object and is basically imoun to the thorns.A giraffe’s tongue has a ability to to grasp which mean it can stretch 18 inches to 20 inches.Giraffes have purple tongues so they can eat leaves around thorns.  


Friday, June 4, 2021

Christmas time in samoa

 This week for reading we had to write in a boxs what we did in our house for Christmas.We were learning how to infer and I found it hard to find the information for the last box.It was easy for the first and second box because those thing happen in my house.Next time I will change it to my bithday.

Tapa Cloth

This week is Samoan Language Week so we made a tapa cloth. First we had to get gray paper and then we had to draw the traditional Samoan patterns with a brown crayon. Then we dyed to so it look cooler. I enjoyed make the cloth because it was fun and interesting. What I found  challenging was the patterns because you had to get the lines right. My digital learning object shows I can draw a traditional tapa cloth. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021


 For the past few weeks we have been doing our sketching and I did Todoroki because he looks cool and because I just wanted to do it.first we had to pick a character for sketching and the we had to sketch and when we finished our teacher put it on a black paper.I enjoyed making the art and sketching it and I found it challenging to do the detail but I got it right at some point.My digital learning object shows I can sketch  Todoroki.Next time I will change the detail and put the red make and his face.


My Piskel character

This week we made our piskel character for scratch, this will be used in our  own game. It's not finished because we didn't have a long to time to do it. I need to add in more detail, like another laser on the other side and more detailing around it. First we had to put the size to 128 and 128 then we had to design our Sprite, then we had to save it to our gallery. I added a fire laser to the side of him because he's in rage mode. Here is my sprite.

Friday, May 28, 2021

May reflection

 Today we were doing our may reflection and we had to put down what book we were reading in a our whole class or at home and we put down what maths we good at a what we were learning. Then I put down something about coding bee bots and micro bits.After I put some trivia questions along with the points that we got this term.I enjoyed making the reflection but it was challenging to do the trivia questions.My digital learning shows I can reflet.

Thursday, May 27, 2021


Today we used a microbit to code a bee bot to draw a picture on the ground.Today we only got the pictures on the microbit and the pictures were the cross on a hill and a heart and they meant we love jesus.First we had to make the picture on and then we had to get the microbit and get the picture on it.It took a while but we got it on there by putting the batteries in the black box and downloading on to the microbit and then we got it flashing on the microbit.I enjoyed making the code but it was challenging to get the pictures onto the microbit.My digital learning object shows I can make a picture and put it and put it in a microbit.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

The ascension of jesus

 This week for religious education we made a google drawing of jesus ascension.first we got a picture of Jesus rising on a cloud and then a we put what Jesus said to his disciples.I enjoyed make it but what I found challenging was finding out what Jesus said to his disciples.My digital learning object show I can make a picture of Jesus rising.

new car

 This week for reading we made a car that we could invent when we were older.We draw a final one on a paper witch is a lambo with apple wheels and I did it with my friend cameron.I enjoyed make it and putting different car together.I found it challenging to draw the car because I mucked up alot.My digital learning object shows i can draw a car from the future.   

past and present

 This week we learnt how to use pictures that are reusable.We made a slides with olden day stuff and then we got pictures from the present and put the picture next to it.I enjoyed make the slides and put the pictures in.I found it challenging to find most ot the pictures.My digital learning object shows I can make a slides with pictures from the past and the present .

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

museum of technology

 This week we went to the museum of technology and did a scavenger hunt to find and write down what it did and were it is.I think the jail was really scary because it was dark and there was a chair at the end hall.When we were finished we had are lunch and we went to the building were the consoles and computer were.I enjoyed running around in the rain and finding all the stuff because I got wet and my favourite thing was the giant olden day chain saw.I found it challenging to find the water pumps and the wheel the spins around and make electricity because it was around a corner that we ran past like billion times.My digital learning object shows that I can find and say what it does.

Friday, May 14, 2021

The luge

 This week we wrote a hook to hook the reader in and make the reader want to read the story. I enjoyed making the hook because it was fun and I like writing. I found it challenging to come up with a plan for my story.My digital learning object shows I can write a hook to hook the reader in.

Coding bee bots

 This week we coded bee bots to get from one point to code was 3 up, 90. turn. 7 to the left.I enjoyed making a plan to code it. I found it challenging to do the code because I missed it a lot of times. The next day we did it again and I finally got it. My digital learning object shows I can code a bee bot.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Sign Language

 This week we learning to analyse and synthesise which means you learn something and choose the parts you need  to make something. We made a video on screencastify about how to do Sign Language. I enjoyed learning how to do my name in Sign Language and making the video. I found it challenging to make the video because I had to keep making new ones because I kept getting my name wrong. The thing that really touched  my heart was when I watched a video on how to do sign language. She said "Hi guys, great job and well done."Here's the link finger spelling

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Anzac day

 This week we were learning about anzac day,I drew the anzac memorial in gisborne and write down what they had to eat in the world war 1. I enjoyed finding out what food they ate at war.I found it challenging to draw the picture because we didn't have lots of time.My digital learning object shows that I can find out about anzac day.Next time I will change what the picture look like.tell me in the comments what is your favourite anzac food is.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Womens native tree nursery visit

 This week we were learning about native plants.we went to the women's native tree nursery because pick native tree seeds for planting and giving to other people to plant.I really enjoyed picking the seeds and standing under the sprinklers.I found it challenging to plant the seeds because there are lots of steps.My digital learning object shows I can plant and pick seeds

My cultural presentation

 On thursday we made and showed the class a presentation about where we were from.I really and i say I really loved the when I made the presentation because I got to put the information I wanted to put in like three songs which are called The scatterling of Africa, impi and my favourite the crossing and they all were made by Johnny clegg.found it challenging to present it all to the class and the funny bit was in the scatterling of Africa were the shook the booties.My digital learning object shows I can make a presentation I were I came from.

Marae noho

 this week we went on a marae trip and stayed or 2 days.we got there and we got our sleeping stuff ready.the next day we had breakfast and played outside till it was lunch and after dinner we had a movie and went to bed really late and we woke up and packed up our sleeping stuff and played till lunch and then played till we went back to school.I enjoyed playing at the marae. I found it challenging to keep all my belonging because i had lots of stuff.My digital learning shows that I can go on a school stip.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Easter puppet show

 this week we made a easter puppet show because it was Easter week.I enjoyed making the puppet show because we remade the easter story.I found it challenging to colour in the puppets and them out.My digital learning object shows I can remake the easter story.Tell me in the comments if you remade the story or heard about it.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Te kuri a paoa art

 This week for art we made Young nicks head and dog.we used chalk to outline the dog and young nicks head as well as the moon.After that we colored the saddle with orange and then colored yellow over with red and white strips .After that I colored body with brown and a little bit of orange and white strips again.We did young nicks head next which is a mountain and we used the color lite blue and dark green and then we got a really cool lite green.The we made the background by using  dark blue and purple and then the moon we put orange on the edge with yellow with white in the middle to make it look shiny.I found it challenging to out line the dog because I wanted it a certain shape.My digital learning object shows I can make young nicks head and dog in art.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

March reflection

 This term we made another reflection and it took awhile to get the the photo onto the was tricky to think about the digital learning object shows i can reflect.first we had to rate the book called the wild robot escapes then we write about our mathes and then we did a golden line witch is the best line in writing.and then upcoming events.Next we did it wasn't luck and last we did the photo.

Friday, March 19, 2021

My illusion

This week we were learning to make connections between what we learn. I enjoy make the illusion where the sea animals look like they are floating but really it's just tricking our eyes to thinking that it is real. This illusion is caused by something called a temperature inversion and this happens when warm air is sitting on top of cold air and sometimes its the other way around.It will make anything above the water look like its floating. I found it challenging to come up with a illusion and this I had to make it on my own. My digital learning object shows I can make my own illusion on google slides. Next time I will change what illusion I have. What is your favourite illusion? Tell me in the comments.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Term 1 goals

Today we setting goals for the this term.By filling up all the boxes we had to choose out of five leader. all,the leader where kiwa, paoa, hineakua,kahutuanui and hinehakirirangi. I was like the leader kiwa.I enjoyed making and filling the boxes in.I found it challenging to write the sentences in the boxes.My digital learning object shows I can set goals for my self.Next time I will change who I am from the 5 learders.                                                                                                                            

My favourite sports

 Today I made a slides about my favourite we learnt how to use mote witch is a voice recorder for slides.I enjoyed making my slide about my favourite sport.I found it challenging to make the mote but i did it in the digital learning object show I can use mote on slides.Next time i will change how I recorded my mote. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

My favourite blanket

 This week I was learning to use nouns,juicy verbs and adjective.I enjoyed writing the story about my koala blanket I had when I was a little kid.I found it challenging to put it on the blog because it wouldn't work.My digital learning object shows I can use nouns,verbs and adjectives.Next time I will change how long my story is.

Monday, March 8, 2021

My plastic facts

This week I was learning to make connections between what we read. I enjoyed finding out about the plastic but it was sad how all those sea animals died to it. I found it hard to make the gif but I finished it. Next time I will change how much facts I have. My digital learning object shows that I can make a gif on tall tweets. 

Friday, March 5, 2021

My favourite toy


This is my writing I made on canva this week.I enjoyed make the story on  was hard to remember all this stuff but I remembered.My learning intention was to use imagery.This is a story is about my stuffed toy that I had When I was little kid.